
Serving the Harp World Since 1817

Finance Options

There are several finance options available to help you with the cost of purchasing your harp.

Take it Away Scheme
The Take it Away Scheme allows those purchasing a harp to apply for up to £2,000 of interest free credit towards the cost of an instrument.

Assisted Purchase Scheme
The Assisted Purchase Scheme enables pupils having music lessons at LEA-maintained schools to purchase musical instruments without paying VAT.

Hire A Harp
For those new to the harp. renting a harp for an initial period may reduce the financial risk of purchasing an instrument.

N.B. These options are only available in the UK.

Buy Second Hand
Alternatively, purchasing a second hand harp can represent a considerable saving. We sell all ex-rental harps as second hand, even if they have only been rented for a matter of months. This means that you can buy an almost new instrument at a significant discount.